Buy the Sherline PN 8760 CNC
controller with an Extended controller Box.
Here is what you get:
1. One Sherline's PN 8760
2. One Extended Box with all the
interconnecting cables.
3. One mechanical switch assembly
(includes limit/home 5 switches)
(The digitizing probe is not included in this special)
The Extended CNC controller box contains signal drivers
with Z state buffers that comply with the required IEEE 1284 type A signal
level. It enhances the quality of the step and direction signals for a four
axis controller and therefore, rectifies issues with parallel ports that provide weaker signals that often causes to
miss steps.
In addition, the extended box enables to add up to eight
limit/home switches a Digitizing probe and has an expansion port for either an
optional CW/CCW variable spindle speed control or 2 additional step and
direction signals that can control additional 2 axis for a total of a 6 Axises
All the inputs and outputs have drivers for lower signal enhancement and
furthermore, feature a high Z state for a better isolation for the Sherline
controller and the operating computer. The limit switches and the probe inputs
pins are not used by the 8760 and therefore, are physically disconnected from
it. They are also fully buffered to protect the computer parallel printer
The unit comes with all the cables and accessories you need to connect swiftly
to the Sherline’s 8760 controller.
Three types of switches assembly are available Mechanical (Default.) Digital and
Inductive switches are optional. The harness assembly contains five switches
(three additional switches are optional). Each switch can be assigned as either
a limit or a home switch.
Mechanical switches
will easily
connect to the extended box via the RJ45 cable. The Switches get activated when
the moving project will touch them. They are relatively easy to mount onto the
XYZ axis.

Optical switches
will easily connect to the extended box via the RJ45 cable.
switches are very accurate and are activated when a shim is passing through
their U shape receptacle and therefore, beam cut the infra red transmitter from
its receiver.
they require an effort to mount them onto the Mill since it is necessary to
first install the switches onto the XYZ axis and thereafter to position thin
shims on the moving work project so they will cause a beam cut at the switch
receptacle when they either reach limit or a home position. To select the
optical switches you must contact us 800-621-8334.

Inductive switches

RJ45 PIN |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
5V |
8 |
The Digitizing probe
is mounted to the spindle (Spindle
motor is off during the digitizing probe operation)
the probe cable connects via a jack connector to the extended box.
Various CNC software such as MACH3 and others have a probe wizard which
generates a three dimensional G code from the probe contacts. This TP-100 probe can duplicate 3D objects with a reasonable
accuracy. Furthermore, the extended box can accommodate a more accurate (and
more pricy) probes available at the CNC market. Files being generated by the
wizard can also be imported to
a CAD software for fine tuning.

The expansion port
has an additional step and direction outputs that can control either VFD CW/CCW
module for a variable spindle speed control with the existing Sherline's DC motor or be used for a general purpose 5th
and 6th stepper motors or relay controls.